경제연구소 经济研究所
KIER Working Paper
Pigou Meets Garbage Bag: Effects of Unit Pricing on Waste Disposal
- 22.09.22 / Hoyong Jung
- working paper_2022-08_정호용_쓰레기종량제 논문.pdf
Governments around the world have introduced an efficient garbage management system for environmental protection and productive land use. Using the case of South Korea, this study examines how the unit pricing by the bag (UPB), as a Pigouvian tax, affects waste disposals. We supplement the extant literature by expanding the scope to one country with municipal-level units across years, applying new control variables, and conducting heterogeneous estimations. The results indicate that the effects of the UPB are realized within the intensive margin and that the policy induces eco-friendly behaviors by reducing landfill garbage and increasing recycling; however, the total volume of waste disposals is not affected. These effects are more noticeable in the case of high price elasticity of demand for waste disposals, suggesting a possibility of price discriminatory policies.
Keywords: Pigouvian tax; unit pricing; waste disposal; landfill; recycling.
JEL Codes: H31, H71, Q38, Q53
핵심용어 : Pigouvian tax; unit pricing; waste disposal; landfill; recycling.
JEL 주제분류 : H31, H71, Q38, Q53
제목 | KIER-2022-08 Pigou Meets Garbage Bag: Effects of Unit Pricing on Waste Disposal | 저자 | Hoyong Jung |
첨부파일 | working paper_2022-08_정호용_쓰레기종량제 논문.pdf (31,729.8 KB) | ||
게시물 내용요약
JEL Codes: H31, H71, Q38, Q53 핵심용어 : Pigouvian tax; unit pricing; waste disposal; landfill; recycling.
JEL 주제분류 : H31, H71, Q38, Q53