
국민대학교 경상대학

국민인! 국민인!!

2020년도 세아해암학술상 수상 / 차필령(신소재공학부) 교수


국민대학교 신소재공학부 차필령 교수가 10월 29일(금) 대한금속-재료학회 추계학술대회에서 세아해암학술상을 수상하며 국민대의 우수한 연구 성과를 널리 알렸다. 차필령 교수는 계산재료과학 기반 금속재료 분야에서 선도적인 연구를 수행하며 적극적인 학, 연, 산 협동연구를 통해 금속재료 분야 학문 발전 및 국내 기업 경쟁력 향상에 기여한 공로가 크다고 인정받아 수상하게 되었다. 아래는 수상 강연 내용에 관한 원문이다.


computational material science : focused on phase-field model and its applications
 computational material science (CMS) has received much attention as a robust tool to study various materials phenomena thanks to great strides in computer performance and materials theories.
In this presentation, various methods of computational materials science are briefly introduced and the phase field model and its applications to various fields are reviewed. The phase field model is known as one of the most accurate computational methods to describe the interface dynamics. As the phase transformation proceeds by the movement of the various interfaces existing in the material microstructures, the characteristics of the phase transformation are governed by the thermodynamics and dynamics of those interfaces. Therefore, the phase field model can be said to describe all kinds of phase transformations most accurately. In this presentation, the brief introduction of the phase field model is given and the developments and applications of the phase field model conducted with our coworkers are reviewed briefly. The topics include peritectic solidification, austeniteferrite transformation and martensitic transformation in steels, particle-splitting in Ni-based superalloy, grain growth and texture evolution driven by elastic interaction, etc.

제목 2020년도 세아해암학술상 수상 / 차필령(신소재공학부) 교수 작성자 박윤진
작성일 20.11.26 조회수 664
첨부파일 material science.jpg (112.3 KB) 구분 학부공지


국민대학교 신소재공학부 차필령 교수가 10월 29일(금) 대한금속-재료학회 추계학술대회에서 세아해암학술상을 수상하며 국민대의 우수한 연구 성과를 널리 알렸다. 차필령 교수는 계산재료과학 기반 금속재료 분야에서 선도적인 연구를 수행하며 적극적인 학, 연, 산 협동연구를 통해 금속재료 분야 학문 발전 및 국내 기업 경쟁력 향상에 기여한 공로가 크다고 인정받아 수상하게 되었다. 아래는 수상 강연 내용에 관한 원문이다.


computational material science : focused on phase-field model and its applications
 computational material science (CMS) has received much attention as a robust tool to study various materials phenomena thanks to great strides in computer performance and materials theories.
In this presentation, various methods of computational materials science are briefly introduced and the phase field model and its applications to various fields are reviewed. The phase field model is known as one of the most accurate computational methods to describe the interface dynamics. As the phase transformation proceeds by the movement of the various interfaces existing in the material microstructures, the characteristics of the phase transformation are governed by the thermodynamics and dynamics of those interfaces. Therefore, the phase field model can be said to describe all kinds of phase transformations most accurately. In this presentation, the brief introduction of the phase field model is given and the developments and applications of the phase field model conducted with our coworkers are reviewed briefly. The topics include peritectic solidification, austeniteferrite transformation and martensitic transformation in steels, particle-splitting in Ni-based superalloy, grain growth and texture evolution driven by elastic interaction, etc.